Rare Vos - This is from the Ommegang Brewery in Cooperstown. I enjoyed this drink at Cafe du Soleil, a french place at 104th and Broadway. This is a pretty good beer. It is aromatic, complex, not to be drunk quickly. I found that the flavors in this beer really came alive after it had warmed up a little. It was still cool, but not ice cold anymore. A lot of beer is served too cool, in fact Sam Calagione, head of Dogfish Head, says that you can tell a beer is good when it tastes good at room temperature. The thing I liked best about this beer, is that unlike other complex beers, this still tasted like a beer. The natural yeasty slightly bitter flavor comes through all the other flowery and nutty tastes. I like my beer to taste like beer.

The second beer I had out this week was a Sam Adams Noble Pils. I actually had this in a TGI Fridays in Tarrytown, NY. The poor 17 year old waitress thought it was called a Pilner and I had to ask if she meant Pilsner. TGI actually has a few decent beers on their list (Blue Moon, a couple of Sam drinks, one or two others) in addition to the commercial swill. I'm new to pilsners. They are a lighter beer, appropriate for a hot day in the summer. I'm not sure how a pilsner is different from a light bodied ale or from a wheat beer. All I can say is that it is a good choice and you are starting to get tired of Sam's Summer, around August let's say, try it out. I enjoyed it.

Finally, later that same day, still in Tarrytown, eating at a Greek Restaurant called
Lefteris I had a beer called Mythos Red. I can't really think of anything special about this. Call it a better version of a bad American beer. That being said, it was better. It wasn't weak tasting, it maintained a decent flavor throughout the meal, it was fine. If you end up in a greek restaurant and they have this, give it a shot. I find it similar in concept to a Molson Canadian, or a Labatt's Blue. It is a mainstream beer, but decent.
More full reviews will come, the Dogfish Head 90 minute IPA is up next, in the IPA roundup. So check back next Sunday night (or perhaps Monday morning as you begin to avoid the pile of work on your desk...) for the next installment!